Military Leadership for LEOs

Course Description: The ‘Military Leadership for Law Enforcement Officers’ class is a one-day, 8-hour course based on the Army’s manual ADP 6-22: Army Leadership and the Profession.  The first part of the class will focus on the Army’s definition of ‘leadership’.  Students will spend time discussing the different components of this definition, they will assess the effect on the unit if these components are missing, and they will assess how they can improve their ability to lead regarding these components.  The second part of the class will analyze ‘law enforcement leader attributes’: students will brainstorm what these attributes should be for an effective law enforcement leader, they will identify the cost if these attributes are absent, and they will assess how they can become a better leader regarding these attributes.  Students will repeat this process for ‘law enforcement leader intellectual attributes’ and for ‘law enforcement leader competencies’. The goal is that officers by the end of the course will have an effective definition of ‘leadership’, a model for an effective law enforcement leader, an enhanced awareness of the qualities and effects caused by ineffective leadership, and a strategy for improving their personal ability to lead.

Prerequisites: None

Course Length: 8 Hours

There are no future events scheduled for this course.